If you are new here just click REGISTER button on the upper bar and enter your desired login and password. It's recommended to use an email address as login to access some future features.
BETONIARA will remember your login information to sign you in automatically when you return here. You can set betoniara.com as your homepage.
To add new link click

button on the right side of the desktop - enter the address (you can use Copy - Paste (Ctrl-C Ctrl-V) from the browser address field). You can also name your link in the Label field.
To add new desktop (folder) click

button and enter the desktop name. You can move links to other desktops using drag and drop.
To change link or desktop details right-click on it and select what do you want to do - open it, delete it or edit it's parameters.
You can move all icons all over the desktop using drag and drop.
This service is using cookies to store your login data to sign you in when you return back. By using this site, you agree to use cookies.
If you have questions or suggestions please email to: